Boarding School

A full-immersion transformative learning experience.

Our Boarding School program offers immersive training for dog owners of new puppies, teenage knuckleheads, and challenged dog owners. We aim to shape your dog into a better-behaved version of themselves while still keeping all of their sweet and big personality intact. Whether your goal is to be proactive about a minor issue, or your pup’s behavior problems have hit a tipping point, we gotcha. 🐛->🦋


New Puppies
Baby alligators start with our
5-day Puppy Kick Start program for foundational learning and socialization with mentor dogs at our quiet country farm. We then see your pup when they are a teenage knucklehead 😂 for a 3-week program, where we do more advanced training.

Teenage Knuckleheads
If your adolescent pup needs fine-tuning with impulse control/learning to chill, and real-world skills like- leash walking, coming when called, and navigating trails, sidewalks, and life at home, we begin with a 3-week program and then see your pup for a 1-week refresher to refine advance skills a few months down the road. In this program, we work with dogs on-site and take them out on urban adventures to give them an opportunity to practice the skills with higher levels of distraction.

Behavior Modification for Behavioral Challenges
Many times people come to us and just want their dog to be ‘happier’, less stressed, or more able to cope, relax and have fun. So often these are sensitive dogs that need massive guidance from us to be able to help them weather the storm of daily life and to climb beyond the proverbial mountains and molehills, and get to the other side. We begin with 3+ weeks of training for reactivity, barking/lunging on a leash, anxiety, separation distress, resource guarding, and confidence-building.

Our program is designed for four weeks of training, supporting clients over the course of a year. You can commit to 1, 3, or all 4 weeks, and we’ll make a recommendation for the program that best suits your short-term and long-term goals.

For off-leash training and certain behavioral problems, low-level remote training collars may be recommended. We only use TENS unit collars with a minimum of 100 settings.

For OpBarks Program Grads
Graduates are welcome to come in for a 1-week Reboot program to fine-tune whatever is needed, which is great for when you are going on vacation and wouldn’t mind a little farm spa learning for your fuzz butt.

  • Daylong structured training and overnight stays for the length of the program

  • Experienced mentor dogs to facilitate socialization and to work around dogs in training.

  • Nature hikes on our trails and play on our 6 acres

  • Indoor and outdoor training and off-site/immersive field trips

  • Lessons to download and practice post-program

  • Online Courses


This program is best for cooperative dogs, with no history of aggression that can relax when crated for downtime and are comfortable with multiple handlers.


1-4 weeks



“I am not being dramatic when I say you have changed our lives. WOW! (My husband actually cried in the first hour of being home. We were expecting improvement but anticipated there would be a lot of work to transition him home and he has already blown us away with his good behavior! Thank you thank you thank you!) I am not being dramatic when I say you have changed our lives.”

— L. Poe

“I absolutely love your approach to training both dog and owner to coexist with a greater ability to communicate. I've always been fearful of training courses for fear of every dog being placed in the same category and training dogs to be robodogs. I love that Fiona can be herself but have the tools to be her best self. Thank you so much! I will definitely recommend your services.”

L. Evans